Category: random finds

  • With greetings from Tante Fritze and Onkel Ernst Günther

    Tante Fritze
    Onkel Ernst, Günther

    Thanks to family Günther (written on the back of the postcard and marked with a small cross on the front; they are situated on the last window to the right in the middle of the photo) we can glimpse into the everyday life of Berlin after the turn of the century.

  • A touch of inspiration

    While Random Finds: Change of heart already glanced at Continental-Kunstfilm-Gesellschaft (in this article abbreviated as CF) regarding their administrative tasks this short interlude will shed some light on a rather creative or not so creative mode of operation.

    CF produced well over 100 films of which the majority were made between 1912 and 1915.1 That amounted to an average production output exceeding 30 films a year or two to three productions per month. To maintain that level of output a lot of scripts had be produced and even more ideas spun.

    Advertisement by CF.2

  • Change of heart

    Continental-Kunstfilm-Gesellschaft was a Berlin based production company that emerged in spring of 1912.1 Originally founded as Schmidthässler-Film-Gesellschaft on October 23, 1911, by Max Rittberger and the actor Walter Schmidthässler the company was later converted to Continental-Kunstfilm-Gesellschaft (in this article abbreviated as CF).2
