Category: cinema stories

  • Lux and their German representative Gertrud Grünspan

    Société Anonyme des Phonographers et Cinématographes Lux (in this article abbreviated as Lux) was founded in November 14, 1906, by Henri Joly. Until their demise in December 1913 the company produced more than 850 films and established itself as a major French producer behind Pathé Frères, Gaumont, Éclair and Éclipse.1

  • The “Kino-Bibliothek”

    Advertisement in Erste Internationale Film-Zeitung.1 As the surge of the Monopolfilm in Germany began at the end of the year 1910 it transformed the way cinemagoers perceived films. A transition from a program based approach to a centric one pivoting around feature films took place and alongside promotional practices changed with it. While it was…